Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Old McAuntie Had A Farm

This summer we bought into a farm share. What this means is that every week a local farm delivers a bag of veggies/fruits and herbs to my husband's office. Whatever they pick that week, we get some. There's no real advance notice of what will be coming each week. It's like a treasure chest of healthiness that comes home each Thursday, and it is my job to figure out how to spend our riches!

One of the things that I like about getting a bag of mystery produce is that it forces me to try some things that in the past I either would not touch or had not really had the opportunity to try. The rule is that we all have to try everything in the bag, even if we think we are going to hate it!

Some of the veggies were easy. Lettuce, spinach, Asian salad blend. Others were a bit more involved, but nothing too overwhelming. Broccoli rabe, bok choy, radishes, and escarole.

There were Japanese Hakueri turnips and kohlrabi:

There were garlic scapes that were turned into pesto

And delicious sugar snap peas:

Fortunately the delivery is accompanied by a newsletter that has instructions on how to store everything, and also has some recipe suggestions. I would have had no idea how to prepare kohlrabi without instructions! Turns out, it is delicious roasted with some olive oil, salt and pepper. 

If you don't have access to a farm share, visit a farmer's market and try something new. Check out Pinterest for some ideas on how to prepare it. You may find a new favorite! As Auntie always says, "How bad can that be?"

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