Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do You Mu Shu? I Do!

Too much time has passed since I've posted anything!

The holidays are over, the decorations are (almost) packed away, and the two pounds put on between Christmas and New Year's are long gone. I had no trouble getting back on the wagon come January 1, but experimenting in the kitchen took a backseat to adjusting to the daily grind. I had one epic fail with Quinoa Pizza Bites…and I don't know if they were disgusting because I learned that I hate quinoa or they were disgusting because they just sucked. Either way….BLECH!!!

Before the holidays I had printed out a few interesting recipes I saw on Pinterest, and a few I saw in a magazine.  I renewed my subscription to Cooking Light magazine due to my renewed interest in being healthy, hoping for a few good ideas. There was a recipe for Mu Shu Lettuce Wraps that looked super easy, 17 Day Diet compliant, and it has been sitting around in a pile of papers for the past few weeks calling my name.

Anything that can be put together in 10 minutes or less is great for nights that we have swim team practice! Getting home at 6 and then starting dinner can be taxing, and getting take out more than once a week is just not helpful when I am trying to stay healthy. I figured this would be easy enough to tackle and hopefully something that everyone would like.

It turns out that it was pretty good. Or at least the adults in the house thought so. My son does NOT want me to make this again. I liked it enough but felt it could be even better. I love the idea of it, and there are so many variations on Pinterest that one of them has to be a real winner!

It's worth trying for a quick, healthy dinner. At 193 calories a serving, it's certainly diet-friendly! 

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