Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Tides Have Turned

Cookbook #5 of 98....

A little bit of Auntie herself.

Interestingly enough, this is a recipe that I have tried before, but I have NO recollection of making it. I did not recognize the name of the recipe, even when checking the ingredients. I didn't even see the notation I made at the bottom of the recipe:

When it came time to make it, I looked more closely at the page and noticed my very descriptive and potential Pulitzer-Prize winning notation:

Can you see it over there in the bottom right corner?


I guess that's why I missed it upon first glance. 

If you can't manage to make it out, it says....."ICK."

Apparently I did not like this recipe when I made it. I don't remember it very well. The book came out in October 2008.

My, how things have changed!

Since changing my eating habits with the 17 Day Diet over a year ago, my palate has certainly evolved. Foods I wouldn't dream of touching before are now some of my favorites!

I guess I can count broccolini among them now?

This recipe was quick and easy, although prepared differently from how I typically do my vegetables. Auntie wanted me to boil the broccolini. I have some issues with boiled vegetables. Mainly stemming from my mother-in-law annually murdering a poor head of cauliflower or broccoli at Christmas dinner by boiling the life out of it and plopping it into a bowl.

I know now that boiling for the correct amount of time does not suck the life out of the vegetable. This was a quick two minutes in boiling, salted water. Thanks, Auntie.

After that, its just whisking up a few things in a measuring cup and pouring over the broccolini. 

It was fast, easy and tasted so good hot or cold! 

Action shot:

Keeping the balsamic theme going, I ate mine with my favorite chicken:

Here is the recipe for Broccolini and Balsamic Vinaigrette. I halved the recipe because I didn't want to be stuck with a huge batch. Half made plenty! Enjoy!


  1. There's NO WAY you should ever get rid of an Ina book!

  2. Never! I'll mention it in the post if I get rid of a book. I could never get rid of Auntie's books....even the Paris one that I never use!
