Monday, September 23, 2013

Salad Days

Sometimes I am just too damn tired to cook. I'm not organized enough to prepare meals ahead of time most days. What used to happen on days like this was take-out. Pizza, Chinese, whatever. On the 17 Day Diet there isn't room for quick and easy crapola like that so I have to get resourceful.

My grab and go of choice has become rotisserie turkey breast. I had a love affair with the rotisserie chickens at my local market pre-17DD where I would inhale both drumsticks before that baby even knew what happened to it. That is NOT an option anymore and I hate to waste some good dark meat because no one else in my house eats it. The rotisserie turkey breast solves the issue of being a lean protein without dark meat making an appearance.

The turkey is then shredded and thrown into a big bowl of mixed greens. Yes, I graduated from plain Romaine to the melange of fancy, dark lettuces with funny names. Ones I always avoided because they were bitter, or curly, or just plain good for me. I eat these now, not with much pleasure but I do tolerate them.

Fat free shredded cheese is then added in a small amount. This is a big difference from the big handful of regular cheese that made its way into my previous salads. Gone are the olives, croutons, bacon pieces, nuts and other calorie bombs. If I am feeling crazy I may toss a chopped hard boiled egg in there.

The lettuce, turkey, chopped egg is then topped with a (measured) two tablespoons of Paul Newman's Balsamic Vinaigrette.

That's it. No excitement. Just salad. The way salad should be. Without the tasty morsels of evil masquerading as a salad.

And I am ok with this. Really. I am.


Would you believe me if I told you that my dessert consists of a container of plain yogurt? I know! What's become of me? Hopefully less....that's what!

1 comment:

  1. Randi, try this for your dessert! It is "smack your momma" good!!!
