Friday, March 8, 2013

Burnt Offerings

So, last week I wrote about the cake fail that I had. Fortunately the cake that got partially stuck in the pan was just a box mix cake. Annoying to have to start over, but easy on the wallet. A box of Duncan Hines, a few eggs and some oil aren't a financial hardship. It also helps to have a husband who was on the way home from work and able to pick up another box so I didn't have to run out!

But what happens when you have a fail that isn't so easy to fix? A Barefoot Contessa fail is NOT the same as a Duncan Hines fail.

I am learning this the hard way this morning with Homemade Granola.

Despite the fact that I followed the recipe to the letter...we've got some issues. I had to combine oats, coconut and almonds in a bowl and add a mixture of honey and oil. This was spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Auntie said bake for 45 minutes until golden brown, stirring occasionally. So, I set the timer for 15 minutes and figured I would stir then. No problems. Smelled AMAZING. Set for another 15, and when I went to stir I noticed it was getting golden so I did not set for another 15...I cut it down and gave it 10. Well, that was maybe 5 too much. Or even 7 too much. I'm not sure. All I know is that I had an overdone mess on my hands.

It didn't catch fire (I've done that before), or set off the smoke alarm (did that too), but its overcooked. Too dark. Smells burned. Dammit.

45 minutes....IS WAY TOO LONG, AUNTIE! This stuff is too expensive to screw up! I also don't have enough ingredients left over to start again, and since we are in the middle of a snowstorm I can't really justify running out to get more. So....I bagged up all of the dried fruit and rest of the additions to the granola that I had prepped and walked out of the kitchen. I need to hang up my apron for the rest of the afternoon. I'll go shopping for more ingredients when the roads are clear.

Unfortunately, I can't use Auntie's famous "How easy is thaaaat?" quote at the moment. I'm going to have to go with Scarlett O'Hara on this one.

After all, tomorrow is another day!

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